The Creator’s Mindset

The Creator’s Mindset

It was the Creator’s Mindset to make someone like Himself, able to reflect His Goodness and Light.

We think we are good—or good enough. It’s the only reason we can reject God’s love.

It was for Love that God created us. Not the love of a friend. Not the love of passion. Not even the love of hospitality which we show for strangers.

It was for God’s love—the infinite love you have because you choose to have it. The Love of God who made—who knew from the beginning of the world that we would betray Him. But he made us to be like him, eternal, creative, lovely, able to reflect the image of God.

It is exactly this love of God which we reject because we fear it.

Why do we fear accepting God’s Love?

It tells us we are not worthy, but with this love we can be worthy.

It tells us we are not good, but with this love we can be good.

it tells us we are week, but with this love we can be strong.

It tells us to lay down our life, as this Lover of man has layed down His life for us.

But we can’t do it without His help.

He made us to be independent creators with a will and our own loves and passions. And when we lay those good things aside, and accept His love we find that we don’t lose what we feared to loose, but we gain everything.

This is the love of God.

This is the Creator’s Mindset toward His creation.

Now, let this mind be in you, which was also in Jesus Christ…